Now 1Password remembers sites that use third-party accounts such as Google or Facebook to log in – BDStory

Password management provider 1Password just launched its new “login with” feature that automatically saves and populates logins with third-party credentials. So 1Password can now give customers the option to log in with just one click to sites or apps that require their Google, Apple, GitHub or Facebook credentials, for example.

Users now no longer need to remember which provider they used for this particular service, as 1Password can do it for them.

Let’s say you’re trying to sign in to Spotify, but you can’t remember if you usually sign in with your Gmail, Apple, or Facebook account. A 1Password popup will let you know which provider it’s associated with and ask if you’d like to click to sign in with your saved credentials.

The news comes just a few weeks after 1Password also announced it will make password key support available to customers early next year.

Together, the features focus on how 1Password can be useful for accounts that are less likely to use passwords in the future. For password keys, 1Password claims its Universal Sign On implementation will be superior to others by supporting multiple platforms and cross-platform sync when it launches next year.

1Password now remembers which third-party provider your Spotify account is associated with.

1Password now remembers which third-party provider your Spotify account is associated with.

For now, 1Password can store credentials for multiple accounts with the same provider associated with the same app. For example, you can choose which Gmail account to sign in to Zoom with, even if you have multiple email addresses associated with it.

1Password remembers if multiple accounts from the same provider are linked to a site or app and automatically fills in that information.

1Password remembers if multiple accounts from the same provider are linked to a site or app and automatically fills in that information.
Image: 1Password

“While single sign-on helps reduce the number of passwords required, it’s still a hassle for people to keep track of which third-party provider was used,” said Steve Won, chief product officer at 1Password. “Our new browser extensions feature alleviates this by allowing users to log in to their favorite apps and websites with a single click.”

The new feature is available to customers subscribed to individual and family plans, as well as 1Password Teams and Enterprise. At launch, it works on Chrome, Firefox, Brave, and Edge browsers.

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